- The role of competition in network neutrality
- Jefferson’s Contractual Society
- Changing tastes in the Top 40 and some economics of music
- Micropayments, the news, & friction free browsing
- Some Stats on the NYPD Work Stoppage
- The basics of euvoluntary exchange
- The Dominant Life Form in the Cosmos Is Probably Superintelligent AI
- The Genesis of the Career Entrepreneur
- Pure Alchian bliss
- Information wants to be expensive as well as free
- When Policy Becomes a Battleground for Lifestyles
- Is the Bill Maher / UC Berkeley Fiasco Really a Free Speech Issue, Or a Power Struggle?
- Resources on Digital Trade & The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
- Ebola Responses & Institutional Differences
- Scientific vindication of classical rhetoric studies
- Paradoxes in nostalgia
- Saying “if you're not paying, you are the product” is wrong
- The either/or presentation
- Automation, Robot Economics & Employment
- Telecommunication’s Regulatory Cat and Mouse Game
- Famous Psychological Experiment Has Serious Flaws
- Social networks and the proliferating performances of identity
- Are we becoming more social?
- Demand destruction in energy markets
- The scalability problem of Healthcare.gov
- Stopping thinking about too little information or too much information, rather, think about search costs
- Frankenstein, the Modern Critical Horror Novel
- The embodiment of technopanics – Gesture
- “We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones…”
- TS Eliot’s “The Hollow Men”
- The nuances of neoliberalism
- Animals by Frank O’Hara
- Commiting to individualism means a commitment to identity politics
- Minimum wage laws were enacted to ensure institutional racism
- Companies do not maximize profits
- A third of all major federal rules lack notice-and-comment procedures
- The causes of Samsung’s meteoric rise
- The differences between a tax, a fee, and a penalty
- FAA device rules and the continuing problem of spectrum interference
- Amazon and their taxes
- Planning for the future
- The gulf between libertarians and other social theorists
- Herbert Spencer on ignoring the state
- Contract innovation in the solar industry
- Notes on Mark Thoma’s History of Economic Thought Lecture 1 and 2
- What is a technocrat?
- A great paragraph from Henry Jenkins
- Assorted links on big data advances
- Some great sentences for libertarians
- Notes and quotes from Daniel Boorstin's "The Republic of Technology"
- Notes and quotes from Richard Pipes' "Property and Freedom"
- Don't believe everything you hear
- Notes and quotes from Ithiel de Sola Pool's "Technologies of Freedom"
- Notes and quotes from Thomas P. Hughes' "American Genesis"
- Notes and quotes from Desmond Morris' "The Human Zoo"
- Notes and quotes from Joel Mokyr's "Lever of Riches"
- Is there a filter bubble?
- The police state began with the Inquisition
- The promise of postmodernism
- Competitive industries and the telecom sector
- Random quotes
- Remember the golden era of the Internet
- Marshall McLuhan’s extension
- Silicon Valley is undervalued
- Notes and quotes on "The Foucault Effect Studies in Governmentality"
- Wille zum leben
- Public choice economics in policing
- Notes on Adam Smith
- Michael Porter on competition
- What is the difference between culture and society?
- Welcome to the club
- You are responsible for your community
- A primatologist explains why humans react to Wall Street bonuses
- How do you shut down debate? Call it anarchy!
- First mover advantage only lasts so long
- The temptation of meaning
- Notes and quotes from Brink Lindsey’s "The Age of Abundance"
- Notes on constitutional interpretation
- Markets in eveything Google edition
- Nationalism and the Iraqi people
- On the profane
- Innovation in agriculture
- A theory of Google
- Werner Herzog on Colbert
- Earth, water, air and fire
- Frame incommensurability
- A Bulleted Review of James Gleick’s The Information
- Claude Shannon's metaphors
- The English language by the numbers
- Subtraction not addition
- Adam Smith on language
- Some research about the net and social media
- The canon of media studies
- The regulation of newspapers in the 18th century
- April is the cruellest month
- The century of the broken contract
- Nothing too much, not even righteousness
- Information, episteme and techne part 1
- Tragedy and freewill in a pre-Socratic era
- Mayor Daley and his merry band of men