How much is music worth?
Pitchfork has a great article on the consumer prices of music over the last century. Some interesting bits:
Setting aside the particular format, then, albums gross less than half as much, on average, as they once did, and singles bring in roughly one-fifth of their past glories. For comparison, remember that overall revenues in constant dollars are roughly one-third what they were at the U.S. industry’s millennial peak. Units have shifted, all right: into insignificance…
One more quick point about the data: Adjusting revenues for inflation can also shed light on individual formats, such as the growing vinyl niche. Vinyl albums (including EPs), at
12.87, or download albums, which averaged 15.45 per vinyl album in 1999, compared with 24.81 accounting for inflation. In 2015, even when recorded music’s expensive, it’s cheap.
First published Apr 22, 2015